I am thrilled to write this testimonial for Mucky Munchkins nursery, as it has truly been an amazing experience for our family. From the moment I walked through the door for the first visit, I knew that I have had found a second home for my son D, who was 9 months old at the time. I have had a very warm welcome and the staff member proudly showed me around and clarified all my questions. I left knowing that I didn’t need to search anywhere else and have found the perfect place. 

All staff and management at Mucky Munchkins are an incredible team of dedicated professionals who genuinely care about each child’s well-being and development. Their warmth and genuine affection create a nurturing environment that is perfect for little ones to thrive in. I also liked the fact that every staff, no matter from which room they are responsible for, they know every child’s name. That for me was very reassuring, particularly when it comes to transitions between stages (Tiny Stars, Little Stars and Rainbows), as D was familiar with all of them and didn’t have any issues to settle in, when he was moving to the next stage.

The curriculum at Mucky Munchkins is nothing short of impressive. It’s designed to be both fun and educational, striking a perfect balance that keeps the children engaged and excited to learn. Their creativity flourish, and their social skills develop, all thanks to the carefully crafted activities and lessons. 

The emphasis on play-based learning has made a significant impact on D’s overall growth. What I hear the most at home is: “Mummy, at nursery they said this…”. Most of the time, he does remember what he has learned. Here are just some examples: one day we got home, and I asked him “Daniel, what is going on with your voice today, it sounds different (maybe because he was too loud that day)”. His reply was: “Mummy, don’t worry. Martin Luther King said it was ok to be different”. I was speechless and certainly was not expecting his reply, but instantly knew where it came from. Or him showing me where the brain, the lungs and the heart are located. Or him knowing that they need to take turns when talking (as they learned at their debate sessions). Or when I ask him to tidy up at home, he will say “Mummy wait, I need to put the tidy up song first”, before he happily goes to do his chores while singing. Every day I am impressed with the new things that he learned at nursery, and I feel that he is more than ready for his next stage…school. 

The facilities at Mucky Munchkins are top-notch, providing a safe and stimulating environment for exploration. The classrooms are bright, well-equipped, and thoughtfully arranged to encourage independent discovery. The outdoor play area is a true highlight, offering ample space for physical activities and imaginative play, particularly the field and the muddy area (Daniel’s favourite places to play).

Communication with the nursery staff has been outstanding. I receive regular updates on Daniel’s progress, as well as insights into his daily activities. When sending messages through the Family app, I get replies very quickly. This open line of communication has helped me feel connected to Daniel’s journey at the nursery, even when we’re not physically present.

Overall, I wholeheartedly recommend Mucky Munchkins to any parent seeking an exceptional early learning experience for their child. The loving environment, engaging curriculum, and strong sense of community make it a place where children truly blossom. Our family is immensely grateful for the positive impact Mucky Munchkins has had on Daniel’s life. Will truly miss them when he moves to reception in September. 

Yours sincerely,


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